Our Partners

Logotyp Ahlsell


Ahlsell's unique customer offering gives professional users access to an extensive range of products and related services in water & sewerage, heating & sanitation, ventilation, insulation, electricity, refrigerator, construction, real estate, industry, tools & machines as well as supplies and personal protective equipment.

Logotyp Dr Kramer

Dr. Kramer

Dr. Kramer Consulting & Trading’s goal is to use the expertise of more than 25 years of service in the fuel and consumer, automotive, refining and oil industries for the customer benefit. The experiences from a variety of projects in a wide range of industries and applications joined together to a profound knowledge.

Logotyp Återvinningsindustrierna


Återvinningsindustrierna is an industry organization for recycling companies that has chosen to actively work with the environment and ethics in its operations with the goal of creating a recycling that is sustainable in the long term.

Logotyp Sweden Green Building Council


Sweden Green Building Council is Sweden's leading member organization for sustainable community building. Through certification, education and opinion formation, they work for a society that benefits both people and the environment.

SV Svenska flaggan EN Engelska flaggan